VINEAS is a collaborative platform dedicated to the Vine and Wine sector and to the challenges it faces from climate change.
The development of VINEAS is integrated in MEDCLIV project, which aims to develop an innovation ecosystem making it possible to experiment with participatory approaches to help design and share adaptation strategies for the Mediterranean vine and wine sector in the face of climate change and encourage collective action. This ecosystem, activated at this stage in six Mediterranean countries – Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Slovenia and Cyprus, is based on the organization of participatory events at country level and globally through the online platform VINEAS.
The transition that climate change imposes is only possible if we take collective action to mitigate and/or to adapt to its effects. To make it happen in an orchestrated way we need to learn together, from each other. Collaboration will:
- Facilitate the sharing of experiences
- Disseminate knowledge
- Identify joint opportunities, at all scales
These are the drivers for VINEAS. As a collaborative platform for the wine industry in the face of climate change, it is developed in seven languages (all partners’ languages + English) and presents a Mediterranean panorama of initiatives.

VINEAS is a collaborative platform that brings actors and projects together and allows for knowledge and solutions sharing. It also provides methodological support for the Vine & Wine actors willing to search and share knowledge and initiatives around climate change challenges.
When the user connects to this knowledge base, he/she will be able to access and create six categories of data, facilitating the production and sharing of knowledge:
- On actors, by identifying and/or being visible as an actor engaged on solving Climate Change challenges;
- Showcase his/her own projects;
- On the diversity of solutions & levers in the face of climate change;
- By exploring the documents (from scientific literature to video/replays of events) that provide an important knowledge base from local expertise to research;
- By informing and getting informed about the latest news on the topics;
- By giving visibility and be informed about all the events organized around the challenges.
VINEAS is designed to enable users to find all types of partners, according to their profiles, location or connection to specific themes. Understanding “who is doing what” is an important asset to better target quickly the relevant partner networks, the existing projects or initiatives for any new cooperation or knowledge improvements. For that reason, VINEAS makes it possible to connect the actors, projects, documents, events that may exist at different scales and includes the visualization of relational maps, allowing the user to navigate through the relationships of entities referenced in the network. It works in the same way as the geographic mapping. A click in the actor bubble on the map or in the list of results opens the complete file of the actor.

A VINEAS user can choose to go for a simple consultation of the available content, using the search engine embedded in the platform or the Solutions and Levers tab. But it may also opt to create an account to share his/her own experience, projects, create an actor page for the organization/entity that works for, news or events.
You can check VINEAS, register in the platform, and follow MEDCLIV on its social media channels: Facebook and Linkedin.
Any remaining question you can contact the team.