10th Science & Wine Cafe, Bartolomeu Bistro&Wine, Porto, 13 December 2019
The terroir influence in wine tourism
To get the maximum pleasure of the Quinta do Soalheiro visit, Science & Wine Cafe in that space
has been postponed until Spring. However, Quinta do Soalheiro kindly accepted to continue to be our partner in the Wine Science Café to be held next December 13 at 19H30. The event will be carried out in Bartolomeu Bistro&Wine of the Hotel Torel 1884, Porto. As just announced the topic will be “The terroir influence in wine tourism” and will be moderate by Luís Cerdeira (Quinta do Soalheiro) e Manuel Castro González (Viña Costeira). This Science & Wine Cafe is limited to 20 participants so you must book your presence.
For those who want, after Wine Science Café (at 21H00), will occur a diner in Bartolomeu Bistrou Wine by 35€/person, this dinner is also limited to 20 participants and is open to everyone that buy a ticket.
Book now your presence in Science & Wine Cafe and/or buy your dinner entrance.
António Luís Cerdeira

rigorous, persistent and organized, always with good mood and willingness to innovate
Natural from Melgaço, António Luís Cerdeira was born in wine and vine world. Deep connoisseur of Alvarinho, currently he is Soalheiro manager and winemaker, functions that he carries out with love and joy. With a spontaneous smile, Luís feels Soalheiro wine house like no one.
He had two years old when, in 1974, his father and grandfather, planted the first continuous Alvarinho vine. Son of Soalheiro founders was his connection with viticulture that motivated him to study Oenology in UTAD, degree that Luís finished in 1994. After an internship in Borgonha, Luís carried out his first harvest as winemaker.
In continuous evolution and learning Luís is a source of inspiration to the creation of new Soalheiros. Always curious to know more and to innovate, Luis consider that formation must be a continuous and consistent process. Luís attend and stimulates the Soalheiro team to attend to winetasting sessions, visits and workshops with the aim of a qualitative and differentiator evolution.
Manuel Castro González

Manuel Castro González graduated as a Technical Agricultural Engineer at the University of Santiago de Compostela, and later in Food Science and Technology at the University of Vigo where he completed his specialization in Master in Wine Viticulture, Oenology and Marketing. Since 1994 Manuel González combines his studies with the work as oenological consultant in various wineries in Galicia, Bierzo and Vizcaya. In 2000 he becomes part of the team of winemakers of the Allied Domecq group, taking responsibility for the elaboration in their wineries of the Ribeiro and Rías Baixas. In 2002 Manuel González began working at Viña Costeira, developing his work as a winemaker and innovation director until today. Parallel to his professional activity he has actively participated in several research projects and as a professor of various training courses, among which the Master of Viticulture and Enology of the University of Vigo.