Loss of trans-resveratrol in young red wines

In general, cis-resveratrol shows fewer health effects than trans-resveratrol, including its anti-inflammatory power. According with this study it is possible that older red wines will not provide the same degree of health benefits compared to younger red wines. However, further work is required to confirm the dependency of resveratrol flux on the age of the wine in question.

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Ιn vitro effects of Vitis vinifera L. leaf extract on UV-stressed human dermal fibroblasts

Natural products such as plant extracts have been implicated in the skin antioxidant and anti-aging cellular protection against environmental stress such the one caused by UV radiation. This post summarizes the results of a study where the in vitro effect of a leaf extract from Vitis vinifera L. on UV-stressed primary human dermal fibroblasts was assessed. The results of the study will contribute to understanding further the molecular mechanisms governing anti-aging and stress responses in human dermal cells and may lead to new target molecules for skin-care products.

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COVID-19: Initiatives From the Wine Sector

This post reports some initiatives from wine sector during this pandemic situation. A study on the behavior and attitudes of European wine consumers from European Association of Wine Economists. A solidarity action aiming to distribute disinfectant gel produced from wine spirit carried out from The Association of Port Wine Companies. Science & Wine propose the creation of a working group to prepare 2020 grape harvest.

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This Christmas impress your family and friends with a Mediterranean Diet menu

Christmas. A time for joining the family to celebrate life. Usually these family meetings are around a table this is also a time known for an overeating behaviour. The rule should be “Moderation”. Our health depends on what we eat and if we wish celebrate Christmas for many years and in good health, one of our resolutions for 2020 must be eat healthy.

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Fertility and Wine

One may well be skeptical about the claims made for the purported health benefits of wine, but beware of questioning Greeks bearing gifts, and surely nobody can, in good faith, deny the mood enhancement that moderate wine drinking can bring? True, when it is abused it can have disastrous and life-destroying consequences, especially when in conjunction with addictive tendencies. However, when consumed in sensible quantities, it can be and is, as the Greeks realized, one of life’s great pleasures.

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2,4,6-trihydroxyphenanthrene: a new trans-resveratrol derivative detected in red wine after UV irradiation.

T2,4,6-trihydroxyphenanthrene (THP) results from cyclization of the trans-to the cis-isomer of resveratrol one of the most abundant polyphenols in red grapes and red wine. It has been demonstrated that THP can induce DNA damage through a pro-oxidant mechanism. On the other hand, due to the extended delocalization and conjugation of the πelectrons over the entire molecule, THP displays a significantly increased antioxidant activity compared to RSV with potential benefits on human health. Whatever the effect of THP on human health, it becomes important to establish its actual presence not only in RSV-containing food and beverages but even in cosmetics that, by their nature, are subject to UV radiation.

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